Webinar: Using the CSR Risk Check in the Context of European HREDD Regulation

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on the 29th of May where we'll be taking a deep dive into the CSR Risk Check. Find out how the CSR Risk Check can help you prepare for legislation such as the CSDDD and learn more about its (new) features!

About the webinar

Date: May 29th, 2024  
Time: 14:00 – 15:30   
Language: English   

In light of recent developments such as the adoption of the CSDDD, it is more crucial than ever for companies to get started with ‘human rights and environmental due diligence’ or ‘CSR Risk management’. During this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into how the CSR Risk Check can be used in the due diligence process. We will discuss the latest developments of the CSR Risk Check - including the new functionalities and features introduced last year – and we will give practical tools on how to use the CSR Risk Check in your risk analysis. We will also delve into the critical role the CSR Risk Check plays within the broader context of (European) laws and regulations, as understanding these regulations is essential for companies operating across borders.   

Furthermore, we will outline how the Dutch, German and Swiss governments collaborate to provide the CSR Risk Check to support companies in their due diligence process. We will end the webinar with a Q&A to discuss further questions around these topics.  


  1. Introduction

  2. CSR Risk Check live demo & new features 

  3. Using the CSR Risk Check in risk analysis

  4. European cooperation & legislation: Insights from Germany and Switzerland

    • Insights from Germany: The CSR Risk Check in the context of the German supply chain act and the CSDDD

    • Insights from Switzerland

  5. Q&A


Marit Berkelaar - Programme Manager & Team Coordinator at MVO Nederland

Jenny Ohme – Coordinator at German Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights  

Jannik Struss – Project Manager at UPJ   

Nadja Meier – Senior Advisor on CSR at State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Switzerland   

Register for the webinar

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