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3531 Quellen
2317 ILO, Overview of the informal economy in Serbia, 2020 2318 Miller et al., Evaluation of Drug Trials in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Countries and Local Commercial Availability of Newly Approved Drugs, 2021 2319 Human Rights Watch, “So What If He Hit You?” Addressing Domestic Violence in Tunisia, 2022 2320 Human Rights Watch, “I Don’t Want to Change Myself” Anti-LGBT Conversion Practices, Discrimination, and Violence in Malaysia, 2022 2321 Human Rights Watch, Prison or Exile Cuba’s Systematic Repression of July 2021 Demonstrators, 2022 2322 Human Rights Watch, “I Want Us to Live Like Humans Again” Families in Temporary Accommodation in London, UK, 2022 2323 Human Rights Watch, “We Lost Everything” Debt Imprisonment in Jordan, 2021 2324 Global Witness, Myanmar's poisoned mountains: The toxic rare earth mining industry at the heart of the global green energy transition, 2021 2325 Human Rights Watch, “It Was Really Hard to Protect Myself” Impact of the Armed Conflict in Syria on Children with Disabilities, 2022 2326 Palm Oil Collaboration Group, Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Library of Tools, 2022 2327 Worker-Driven Social Responsibility Network, 2023 2328 The Danish Institute for Human Rights, National Baseline Tool on Business and Human Rights, 2022 2329 Landesa, Overview, 2022 2330 The Human Rights Measurement Initiative, About, 2022 2331 United Nations Global Compact , Implementing Action Plans to Support Responsible Sourcing, 2022 2332 United Nations Global Compact, Increasing Women in Leadership Positions as a Strategic Priority, 2022 2333 United Nations Global Compact, Promoting Paid Leave and Preventing Excessive Overtime, 2022 2334 Middle East Eye, Turkey's Mount Ida: The frontline between mining giants and local people, 2020 2335 Our World in Data, Soy, 2021 2336 Surveillance Technologies Accountability Project, At a glance: Human rights due diligence for surveillance technologies investor guide, 2022

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