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3537 Quellen
2138 Wiegink, N. & García, A., Surplus to extraction: Resettlement as a “make live” intervention in Mozambique, 2022 2139 Landportal, Land grabbing, prevention and recovery in Bangladesh, 2021 2140 Our World In Data, Georgia: CO2 Country Profile, 2019 2141 Our World In Data, Malawi: CO2 Country Profile, 2019 2142 Our World In Data, Philippines: CO2 Country Profile, 2019 2143 EY, Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2023, 2022 2144 Council on Foreign Relations, Why China-Taiwan relations are so tense, 2022 2145 World Economic Forum, How a start-up in India is pioneering a way to tackle the global e-waste problem, 2021 2146 International RBC, Social conditions in the natural stone sector in China, 2021 2147 CJP, Stone quarries and mines shut down across Birbhum: Unemployment, Silicosis haunt workers, 2022 2148 NYU Langone Health, Common fireworks release lead, copper & other toxic metals into the air, 2020 2149 Compendium voor de leefomgeving, Luchtverontreiniging tijdens de jaarwisseling, 1994-2022, 2022 2150 U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S. electric power sector’s use of water continued its downward trend in 2020, 2021 2151 Radio Free Europe, 'We Breathe Filth': A Bulgarian Town's Losing Battle Against A Domineering Coal Plant, 2022 2152 Human Rights Watch, Turkey: Plastic Recycling Harms Health, Environment, 2022 2153 Mongabay, China-backed mine in Indonesia poses high risk, World Bank watchdog warns, 2022 2154 Survival International, Background Briefing: Sierra del Divisor: The Watershed Mountains, 2022 2155 CCDC Weekly, Preplanned Studies: Brucellosis Knowledge and Personal Protective Equipment Usage Among High-Risk Populations in Brucellosis-Endemic Areas — China, 2019−2020, 2021 2156 ILO, Finance & Child Labor, 2022 2157 Just Finance, AIIB’s Mandalika project in Indonesia force thousands to leave their homes “What can you do when they point guns at you?’’, 2022

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