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3539 Quellen
2858 Our World in Data, North Macedonia: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2859 Our World in Data, Moldova: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2860 Our World in Data, Sudan: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2861 Our World in Data, El Salvador: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2862 Our World in Data, Armenia: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2863 Our World in Data, Kyrgyzstan: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2864 Our World in Data, Kenya: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2865 Our World in Data, Mozambique: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2866 Duurzaam Ondernemen, Onderzoek: ‘Wasbare luiers kunnen een viermaal lagere milieu-impact hebben dan eenmalige luiers’, 2023 2867 Our World in Data, Jamaica: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2868 Our World in Data, Indonesia: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2869 Our World in Data, Honduras: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2870 Our World in Data, Dominican Republic: CO2 Country Profile, 2020 2871 The Globe Echo, Kenyan Workers Exploited By A British Company Demand Justice From King Charles, 2023 2872 The Guardian, ‘I spot brand new TVs, here to be shredded’: the truth about our electronic waste, 2023 2873 IndustriALL, Attack on trade union rights in Sri Lanka, 2023 2874 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Portugal: Government approves lithium mine despite opposition from local population and environmental activists, 2023 2875 Independent Online, Cape farm workers and activists waiting to reap the fruits of their labour, 2023 2876 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Saudi Arabia: ALQST documents worsening judicial harassment against Al-Howaitat members protesting NEOM megaproject; incl. co. responses, 2023 2877 Human Rights Watch, Brazil: Online Learning Tools Harvest Children’s Data, 2023

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