Privacy statement

This tool/website is an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is developed by MVO Nederland on behalf of the Dutch Ministry. MVO Nederland is the legal owner of the CSR Risk Check and is solely responsible for collecting and processing data. MVO Nederland handles the data of users of this website with care. The personal details that you enter on the website will only be used for the purpose indicated, such as responding to requests for information. We adhere to the privacy legislations.

MVO Nederland is smoothing the way towards the new economy. Together with businesses, we are working on climate-neutral, circular, inclusive business models with fair supply chains. MVO Nederland is the accelerator for businesses heading towards the new economy. MVO Nederland considers the privacy not only of its partners, flex-workers and employees but also of its associates and visitors to its website to be important. This is why MVO Nederland handles your personal details with care. MVO Nederland has its offices at Europalaan 101, 3526 KR Utrecht.

When do we process personal data?

When you register or sign up for one of our products, services or activities, when you order a publication, subscribe to a newsletter, participate in an event, make use of our digital services, make contact with MVO Nederland or use our services in any other way, the personal data you provide is recorded and processed under the responsibility of MVO Nederland.

What data doe we process?

We process the following data:

  • your registration data: this is the data that we ask you to complete when registering as a partner or for one of our products or services, such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number, position, name of employer/company and their business address. We are only permitted to use your e-mail address to send you offers relating to MVO Nederland services if you have provided your explicit consent.

  • data concerning equipment used, such as a unique device ID.

For what purposes do we process personal data?

We process your personal data:

  • In order to enter into and execute an agreement, for example to supply the products, services or information you have chosen;

  • In order to invoice, if you have purchased a service or product;

  • In order to send you newsletters, surveys and other notifications;

  • In order to provide you with offers of MVO Nederland services and products, providing you have given explicit permission;

  • In order to enable logging on via social media (offered by third parties);

  • In order to improve MVO Nederland products and services and align them more effectively with your use or interests;

  • In order to meet a statutory obligation.

MVO Nederland processes your personal data exclusively for the purpose for which you provided the data, unless you have explicitly given permission for your personal data to be used for other purposes.

When do we provide your personal data to third parties?

MVO Nederland will only provide your personal data to other parties in the following cases:

  • In order to perform the service you have requested;

  • If the data is public;

  • If MVO Nederland is obliged in accordance with legislation and regulations to provide specific information.

What about links to third-party websites?

If you reach a third-party website via the MVO Nederland website or any of its products or services, the conditions and privacy rules of the third party concerned will apply. MVO Nederland does not monitor the activity of such websites or third parties and is not liable for the content, privacy, security and regulations of the websites to which MVO Nederland includes links. MVO Nederland therefore advises you to acquaint yourself with the privacy conditions, security and regulations of the third-party before providing them with personal and other information.

How can you withdraw your permission?

If you no longer wish to receive marketing and promotion messages about our products and services or general news reports via e-mail, you can opt out by following the instructions about this included in every e-mail or by sending an e-mail to We will comply with your request within a period of four weeks after receiving it.

Please note that we may continue to send mailshots for other reasons, for example within the context of your partnership. 

What are your rights?

You have a right of access to your personal data and the right to request correction, deletion or transfer of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your data.

If you would like to know which personal data about you MVO Nederland processes, you can submit a written request for access. Your request will be processed within four weeks of receipt. You can consult your personal data that MVO Nederland has collected and, if desired, have it changed by sending a request to: We will respond to your request within four weeks. MVO Nederland is entitled to ask you to prove your identity if you request access or modification. If you disagree with the way in which MVO Nederland is handling your personal data, you can submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

How long do we retain your data?

MVO Nederland retains your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes stated above or to meet statutory (retention) obligations.

How do we deal with cookies?

MVO Nederland uses cookies and other internet techniques on its websites. We have a cookie policy regarding this that can be found here.

How do we deal with reports about security weaknesses in our systems?

MVO Nederland applies a responsible disclosure policy in which we outline how you can report your findings about the security of our systems and how we deal with this. You can find the responsible disclosure policy below the privacy statement.

Changes to this privacy statement

MVO Nederland has the right to change its Privacy Statement. If any substantive changes are made, we will announce this via the website or one of the websites managed by MVO Nederland. We will also ask you, as the user, to agree to the amended Privacy Statement. If you do not wish to confirm your agreement, your user account will be blocked and/or discontinued by MVO Nederland. If you have any questions in the light of this Privacy Statement, you can contact

Responsible disclosure policy

MVO Nederland considers the security of its systems to be extremely important. Despite our efforts to ensure the security of our systems, weaknesses may occur. If you notice a weakness, you can report it to us.


If you have found a weakness in one of our systems, we would like to hear from you so that we can take measures as quickly as possible. We would very much like to work with you in order to protect our customers and our systems more effectively.

This is what we would like you to do:

  • E-mail your findings to

  • Do not make inappropriate use of the problem, for example by downloading more data than necessary in order to demonstrate the breach, or by viewing, deleting or modifying third-party data.

  • Do not tell others about the problem until it has been resolved and delete all confidential data obtained via the breach as soon as the breach has been rectified.

  • Do not use attacks on physical security, social engineering, distributed denial of service, spam or third-party applications.

  • Provide sufficient information in order to replicate the problem so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible. Generally, the IP address or URL of the system affected and a description of the weakness is sufficient, although more information may be necessary in the event of more complex weaknesses.

What we promise:

  • We will respond within three days of your report with our assessment of the report and the expected date by which it will be resolved.

  • If you have kept to the above conditions, we will not take legal action against you with regard to the report.

  • We will handle your report confidentially and will not share your personal data with third parties without your permission unless this is necessary in order to meet a statutory obligation. It is possible to submit your report under a pseudonym.

  • We will keep you informed on progress in resolving the problem.

  • In reporting about the problem, we will, if you wish, cite your name as the discoverer.

  • We strive to resolve all problems as quickly as possible and are happy to be involved in any publication about the problems after it has been resolved.

Our policy is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. The policy is based on the Floor Terra model policy. 

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