How do you start?

Hey! Great to see that you want to identify your CSR risks. But how do you best get started?

This is how to get started

You can take immediate action through the steps below. Would you like to read more information first? Read here how to best get started.

1 .

Fill out the CSR Risk Check

Start this (short) check and find out which international CSR risks your business activities are exposed to and what you can do to manage them

Start the CSR Risk Check
2 .

Define your priorities

The Priority Check compares different supply chains, with the goal of indicating which supply chain (or which part of your chain) is the best place to start to address CSR risks.

Start the Quick Check Priorities
3 .

Work on due diligence

Download our roadmap and learn how to approach due diligence step by step. The goal: adjust your internal policies and procedures to ensure that you do business with respect for people and the environment.

Download the roadmap
4 .

Check progress with the checklist

Use this interactive checklist to further increase your influence in your supply chain. The checklist will help you learn how to take targeted action to influence the CSR performance of your suppliers.

Start the checklist

1. Fill out the CSR Risk Check

Companies are increasingly expected to identify, prevent and mitigate CSR risks in their supply chains. This is also known as due diligence. The CSR Risk Checker is a useful tool in this due diligence process. The tool provides a quick and easy overview of potential CSR risks in your international supply chain ánd gives advice on how to address these risks.

Start the CSR Risk Check

2. Define your priorities

After you have identified your CSR risks, it is important to establish priority. The Priority Check compares different supply chains, with the goal of indicating which supply chain (or which part of your chain) is the best place to start to address CSR risks.

Start the Quick Check Priorities

3. Work on due diligence

Now that you have identified your priorities, it is time to get started! To meet the upcoming due diligence legislation, you integrate it throughout your organisation: your management systems, policies, and procedures. And that is not easy. That is why in this 'Getting started with due diligence' MVO Netherlands lays out how to approach due diligence step by step. The goal: adjust your internal policies and procedures to ensure that you do business with respect for people and the environment.

Download our roadmap

4. Track your progress with the checklist

Do you want to further increase your influence in your supply chain? The checklist will help you learn how to take targeted action to influence the CSR performance of your suppliers.

Start the checklist

Best Practices

How Schijvens is working towards fair and transparent supply chains

Supply chain responsibility. For many textile companies with production across borders it is a big challenge, how do you tackle this and take responsibility for your product as a company, without shifting everything to your international suppliers? We asked Jeske van Korven and Trix van Halder, both responsible for CSR at Schijvens Corporate Fashion.

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This company makes sustainable touchscreens

Electronics and responsible manufacturing do not always seem to be a fortunate combination. The production of phones puts high pressure on the environment, along with associated risks to workers' health and wellbeing. For instance, extracting raw materials in mines can be dangerous. Likewise, stories of toxic chemicals in the production of phone screens are well-known.

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Wakuli brings change to the coffee industry

The mission of Wakuli is to shake up the coffee industry. The company is committed to fair prices for coffee farmers and even derives its name from the word for farmers in the Swahili language (wakulima). Wakuli is also dedicated to sustainability and is exploring how their Brazilian production partner can switch to regenerative production methods.

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