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3526 sources
2617 Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO), Zakendoen in Ghana, 2022  2618 Duurzaam Ondernemen, Wildling Shoes haalt hennepproductie terug naar Europa voor duurzaam materiaalgebruik, 2023 2619 The Danish Institute of Human Rights, Due diligence in the downstream value chain, 2023 2620 Duurzaam Ondernemen, Vernieuwd beton met CO₂-reductie tot 70% draagt bij aan doelstellingen Betonakkoord, 2023 2621 Oxfam, Illicit Financial Flows in the Mining Industry in South Africa, 2021 2622 The Sydney Morning Herald, ‘Very high’ levels of microplastic waste at some of Sydney’s most popular beaches, 2022 2623 Radio Free Asia, Villagers in the dark even as preparations start for building the Pak Lay Dam in Laos, 2023 2624 The Times of Israel, ‘Modern slavery’: How foreign caregivers in Israel have been extorted for decades, 2023 2625 Human Rights Watch, “How Dare They Peep into My Private Life?”, 2022 2626 TNO, Factsheet Beeldschermwerk, 2021 2627 The Hartford, How To Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury in the Office, 2022 2628 AbilityNet, RSI in the Workplace inc Work Related Upper Limb Disorder and Computing, 2021 2629 Time Doctor, What is call center stress and how to manage it, 2021 2630 Freshworks, 7 Causes of Call Center Stress (And How to Fix Them), 2021 2631 The Guardian, US supreme court rejects Dakota Access pipeline appeal, 2022 2632 The Phnom Penh Post, Group reveals finding on factory fainting phenomenon, 2021 2633 Brazilian Government, Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), 2023 2634 Instituto Ethos, 2021 2635 Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO), Bedrijf starten in Brazilië, 2023 2636 ABONG, 2023

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