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3539 sources
2598 Fyall, A. et al., Resetting Coastal and Marine Tourism in a Post-COVID World, 2022 2599 US Department of Labor, Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports Egypt, 2021 2600 European Commission, Study on safe and secure parking places for trucks: final report, 2019 2601 Faire Mobilität, Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der Lkw-Fahrenden auf Parkplätzen in Deutschland: Erfahrungen aus der Beratungspraxis, 2023 2602 US Department of Labor, 2021 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, 2022 2603 Gaurav Sharma et al, Will open waste burning become India's largest air pollution source?, Environmental Pollution, Volume 292, Part A, 2022 2604 INKOTA, Pesticides in cocoa production, 2022 2605 Mouganie, P. et al., The Effect of Open-Air Waste Burning on Infant Health: Evidence from Government Failure in Lebanon, 2020 2606 Open Access Government, Open burning of rubbish endangers health in Lebanon, 2019 2607 Al Jazeera, Why is Afghanistan unable to extract its vast mineral wealth?, 2019 2608 To, P. X. & Mahanty, S., Vietnam's cross-border timber crackdown and the quest for state legitimacy, 2019 2609 Business Review, The state of waste management in Romania: Plenty of work remains to be done, 2020 2610 Oxfam, Agribusiness fueling the climate crisis in Peru, 2021 2611 Zeymarine, Maritime Piracy in Africa: Its Roots and the Current Situation, 2021 2612 International Transport Workers’ Federation, Exposed: European trucking’s systemic exploitation of workers, 2023 2613 Human Rights Watch, Vietnam: Free Land Rights Activists, 2021 2614 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, USA: Mexican workers contracted by LVH subject to forced labour on watermelon farms supplying to Walmart, Kroger, Sam’s Club & Schnucks, 2023 2615 Profundo, Rabobank’s financing in industrial livestock, 2023 2616 The Heritage Foundation, 2023 Index of economic freedom: Suriname, 2023 2617 Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RvO), Zakendoen in Ghana, 2022 

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