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3539 sources
2918 National Library of Medicine, Tanneries impact on groundwater quality: a case study of Kasur city in Pakistan, 2022 2919 ENVPK, Kasur Tanneries and Their Impact on the Environment, 2021 2920 UNHCR, Myanmar: New land law could have disastrous impact on ethnic minorities, 2019 2921 Critical Asian Studies, The contested terrain of land governance reform in Myanmar, 2019 2922 European Chemicals Agency, Candidate List of substances of very high concern, 2023 2923 Deutsche Welle, India: E-waste provides poor children a dangerous living, 2023 2924 Deutsche Welle, Can fishing in Indonesia be sustainable?, 2022 2925 Green Network, Modern Sea Slavery in Indonesia and Beyond, 2023 2926 France 24, Tackling plastic pollution: ‘We can't recycle our way out of this’, 2023 2927 International Water Association, Using green infrastructure to reconnect Mexico City metropolitan area with its lake basin, 2021 2928 Mongabay, At a rubber plantation in Liberia, history repeats in a fight over land, 2023 2929 SOMO, Fintechs Red Flags, 2023 2930 Duurzaam Ondernemen, Instockmarket opent nieuw food rescue center, 2023 2931 Ottenbros, I. et al., Assessment of exposure to pesticide mixtures in five European countries by a harmonized urinary suspect screening approach, 2023 2932 Human Rights Watch, UK: “Hostile” Compensation Scheme Fails ‘Windrush’ Victims, 2023 2933 The Guardian, Bangladesh media in fear after PM’s ‘people’s enemy’ attack, 2023 2934 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Iran: Workers in more than 80 energy, petrochemicals & steel companies strike over poor working conditions, low wages & rising living costs, 2023 2935 Umweltbundesamt, Auf umweltfreundliche Kältemittel umsteigen, 2023 2936 National Academy of Sciences, The key role of propane in a sustainable cooling sector, 2022 2937 Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Kältemittel in Wärmepumpen – eine wichtige Entscheidung für den Klima und Umweltschutz, 2022

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