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3537 sources
1937 Duurzaam Ondernemen, Ondanks bijvangst en brandstofverbruik ligt tong toch als duurzame vis in de supermarkt, 2022 1938 International Federation for Human Rights, FIDH condemns mass executions in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, 2022 1939 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Asia Floor Wage Alliance and Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum rejoinder to Brandix response, 2022 1940 Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, Defending in Numbers, 2021 1941 Correctiv, Die größten Wasserschlucker Deutschlands, 2022 1942 The Guardian, It’s our land, too: Brazil’s Indigenous peoples protest against Bolsonaro, 2022 1943 The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, The Indigenous World 2022, 2022 1944 Tagesschau, Besser den Pool nicht befüllen, 2022 1945 UN Women, Country fact sheets, 2022 1946 Minority Rights Group International, World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples- Current Issues Tajikistan, 2018 1947 Human Rights in Tourism, Tourism, Land Grabs and Displacement, 2019 1948 Birzeit University, Air pollution in Palestine, 2022 1949 WHO, Managing the harmful effects of e-waste in Uruguay, 2021 1950 The Third Pole, Opinion: Kazakhstan’s oil sector is rife with human rights abuses, 2021 1951 The Modern Slavery PEC, Effectiveness of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, 2021 1952 NIOSH, Mining Publication: Best Practices for Dust Control in Coal Mining, 2021 1953 NIOSH, Mining Topic: Respiratory Diseases, 2021 1954 United Nations Global Compact & Helpdesk Wirtschaft & Menschenrechte, Praxislotse Wirtschaft & Menschenrechte, 2023 1955 DerStandard, Kobalt: Das schmutzige Metall hinter der grünen Mobilität, 2022 1956 L.T. Murphy et al., Laundering cotton: How Xinjiang cotton is obscured in international supply chains, 2021

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