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3531 sources
2517 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Libya: Indian workers fraudulently recruited left unpaid by construction cos., physically abused & kept in bonded labour, 2023 2518 Minga, J. C. et al., Assessment of Water Resources Pollution Associated with Mining Activities in the Parac Subbasin of the Rimac River, 2023 2519 InSight Crime, Felled and Burned: Deforestation in Peru's Amazon, 2022 2520 Inside Climate News, Landowners Fear Injection of Fracking Waste Threatens Aquifers in West Texas, 2023 2521 Inside Climate News, Western Firms Certified as Socially Responsible Trade in Myanmar Teak Linked to the Military Regime, 2023 2522 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Cambodia: Reinstated union leaders at VF Corp & PUMA suppliers report retaliation tactics incl. surveillance & intimidation, 2023 2523 Mongabay, Ethnic communities in Myanmar opposing a coal plant see their fight get harder, 2021 2524 OECD, Agriculture and water policies: main characteristics and evolution from 2009 to 2019 in Turkey, 2020 2525 Fanack Water, Water Quality in Turkey, 2022 2526 United Nations (UN) Human Rights, Mexico: Government and business must address negative impacts of Train Maya project, say UN experts, 2022 2527 China Dialogue, Colombia faces challenges to keep its palm oil sustainable, 2022 2528 Mondiaal FNV, Social dialogue and Tercerizados in Colombia’s Palm Oil Industry, 2019 2529 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Paraguay: ADM, Cargill and Bunge, Danish Crown and 2 Sisters suppliers, linked to alleged human rights abuses and land conflict by GW report, 2022 2530 Le Monde, India's 'sand mafias have power, money and weapons', 2022 2531 SOMO, Caught on camera: How CCTV tech contributes to human rights abuse in Iran, 2023 2532 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Armenia: Locals claim their lands & right to participate in decision making threatened as plans for resort construction proceed, 2023 2533 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Pakistan: Four factory owners booked, one arrested over deaths due to toxic fumes from recycling factories, 2023 2534 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Nigeria: Local farmers sue government for alleged unlawful acquisition of their customary land for benefit of Tiamin Rice, 2023 2535 The Guardian, Nearly 14,000 Nigerians take Shell to court over devastating impact of pollution, 2023 2536 Naïf Good Care, Microplastics in meer dan driekwart van alle verkochte babyverzorging, 2023

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