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3537 Quellen
2338 Mongabay, ‘The water is brown’: Community in Guyana rings the alarm over unsustainable mining near river, 2022 2339 SÜDWIND e.V., Factsheet: Gestrandet auf See - Das Risiko von Zwangsarbeit in der Schifffahrt, 2022 2340 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Sierra Leone: Amnesty International reports diamond mining in Kono District threatens livelihood of communities, 2022 2341 SOMO, Indecent work and hidden supply chains Leather from Bangladesh, 2022 2342 BLF and RAPID, Employment and working conditions in Bangladesh’s leather industry, 2022 2343 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Belarus: EU retailers cooperate with manufacturers that use forced prison labour, report shows, 2022 2344 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Brazil: International brands allegedly sourcing palm oil linked to violence and harms against Indigenous and traditional communities, says Global Witness, 2022 2345 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, BankTrack’s 2022 Global Human Rights Benchmark shows slow progress among banks & lack of action to address key gaps on reporting & remedy, 2022 2346 PAX, ICAN & Profundo, Risky Returns, 2022 2347 Economic Policy Institute, National survey of gig workers paints a picture of poor working conditions, low pay, 2022 2348 Fairwork UK, Ratings 2021: Labour Standards in the Gig Economy, 2021 2349 TechCrunch, India’s gig economy drivers face bust in the country’s digital boom, 2023 2350 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, USA: Restraining order filed against Packers Sanitation Service after investigation finds children cleaning dangerous machinery in meat-packing plant & suffering caustic burns, 2022 2351 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Kazakhstan: Kazphosphate employees on strike over poor working conditions, low wages and humiliating treatment, co. did not respond, 2022 2352 Electronics Watch, The Electronics Industry in Hungary, 2022 2353 Clean Energy Council, Addressing Modern Slavery in The Clean Energy Sector, 2022 2354 Politico, Energy emergency revives Estonia’s polluting oil shale industry, 2022 2355 ILO, International Labour Standards on Freedom of association, 2022 2356 Responsible Minerals Initiative, Tantalum Smelters List, 2022 2357 Responsible Minerals Initiative, Gold Refiners List, 2022

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