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3531 Quellen
2637 SOMO, How much of Shell’s 2022 record profits will be registered in tax havens? Probably quite a lot., 2023 2638 Profundo, ICBC’s (China) renewable energy investments, 2023 2639 De Volkskrant, Meer dan 200 arbeiders berijd van ‘slavernij’ in Brazilië na inspectie bij alcohol- en suikerrietproducenten, 2023 2640 Human Rights Watch, Pakistan: Farmers Forcibly Evicted for Urban Project, 2023 2641 Tropenbos International, Oil palm cultivation on Buvuma island, Uganda, may cause deforestation elsewhere, 2023 2642 Fair Planet, With high poverty and low education, child labour rises in India, 2023 2643 IEA, Transport Improving the sustainability of passenger and freight transport, 2021 2644 ClearSeas, Ballast water management: stopping the spread of invasive species by ships, 2022 2645 The Chocolate Scorecard, What's really going into the chocolate we buy?, 2023 2646 SER, E-learning landrechten voor beleggers, 2023 2647 WWF, Taking deforestation and conversion out of supply chains, 2023 2648 Science Based Targets initiative, Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG), 2023 2649 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Unpicked fashion & freedom of association, 2022 2650 Plastic Soup Foundation, Do clothes make us sick? Fashion, Fibers and Human Health, 2022 2651, After decades of loss, the world's largest mangrove forests are set for a comeback, 2022 2652 Fauzi et al., Contextualizing Mangrove Forest Deforestation in Southeast Asia Using Environmental and Socio-Economic Data Products, 2019 2653 The European Committee of Social Rights, European social charter; Latvia, 2022 2654 Thompson, J. T., et al., Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Toilet Paper and the Impact on Wastewater Systems, 2023 2655 Reuters, Ivory Coast lost 47,000 hectares of forest to cocoa production in 2020, environmental group says, 2021 2656 Christian Aid, Profit before people and planet: How economic policies and corporate profit maximisation perpetuate the unsustainable exploitation of the Brazilian Amazon and its people, 2022

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